Subscribe to RDA-L

Subscribe to RDA-L

RDA-L is an online community for RDA Toolkit users and others to discuss RDA and other cataloguing and metadata issues as well as share information about events, job openings, etc. The community is free and open to all, but it does require the creation of an account in ALA Connect, the platform that hosts RDA-L.   

How to Sign Up

  1. If you’re not an ALA member, register for a free Connect account here. If you are an ALA member you already have an ALA Connect account and can proceed to step 2.
  2. Join the RDA-L group on Connect by clicking the Join button here.

A step-by-step guide to joining RDA-L on ALA Connect is here.

A recording of webinar that reviews ALA Connect registration and features is available here.

If you have any questions about RDA-L, contact us at

You are also welcome to check out our Help/FAQ page if you have any questions about how to use Connect. Specifically, some helpful resources might include:


What is ALA Connect?

ALA Connect is an online platform for discussion and collaboration. We’re working to make Connect the centralized space for colleagues to communicate online, whether they’re part of a formal ALA committee or just want to share questions and ideas with other library professionals. ALA Connect is in compliance with GDPR regulations regarding privacy and security,